Information For Those Suffering From Vertigo

Posted on: 22 November 2017

Vertigo can be a very disruptive health problem for a person to experience. While it is a reality that vertigo is a fairly common problem, patients will often have a poorly informed understanding of this condition due to the way that it is portrayed in media.

What Are The Symptoms Of Vertigo?

Vertigo is commonly associated with a sense of dizziness or a total loss of balance. While these are among the more common sensations that people suffering from this condition will experience, there are other ways that this condition can manifest itself. For example, a person may feel as though they are moving despite being still. A key feature of vertigo is that these symptoms will be persistent and chronic. In fact, depending on the cause of the issue, it can be possible for the sense of vertigo to gradually worsen until treatment is sought.  

Why Would A Person Develop Vertigo?

A person's sense of balance will be largely determined by the workings of their inner ear. Unfortunately, it can be possible for injuries to damage the delicate bones and nerves of the inner ear, and this can have profound impacts on a person's ability to keep their balance. Additionally, it is possible for some diseases to be the source of this problem by causing the inner ear to swell. This swelling can interfere with the ability of the inner ear components to function, and if the pressure becomes severe enough it can cause serious damage to these components. Due to the difficulty of inspecting the inner ear, patients will often be unable to tell the cause of this problem. However, a doctor will be able to evaluate your inner ear so that they can diagnose the source of your vertigo.

Is It Possible To Address Your Vertigo?

Sadly, some people may not seek professional treatment for their vertigo due to an assumption that this problem can not be treated. Yet, this will largely depend on the cause. For example, if the vertigo is caused by an infection, the patient may be able to expect their symptoms to fade once they start taking the appropriate antibiotics. In situations where the inner ear components are damaged, surgery may be necessary to repair the damage so that your sense of balance can be restored. Sadly, there can be instances where the damage to these components is simply too severe to repair, but patients will still be able to undergo vertigo rehab. This therapy is designed to help patients with permanent vertigo to learn to manage and control the disruptive symptoms their vertigo may be causing.
