Three Yard Maintenance Tips That Can Lessen Your Risk Of Back Pain

Posted on: 7 February 2018

While issues such as poor posture and incorrect lifting mechanics can often result in back pain, slipping or tripping — even if you don't fall to the ground — can also leave you with a sore back. Losing your balance has the potential to wrench your back out of alignment, while a fall can also have the same effect, thanks to the considerable impact that occurs when your tailbone hits the ground. Whenever you're out in public, you should be careful to avoid falling, but this approach should also hold true at home. Your yard can present many potential ways that you could fall, but these projects can limit this risk.

Clear Your Driveway

There's often a greater risk of falling during the winter because of ice and snow beneath your feet — and this risk is present in your own driveway. The simplest way to lessen this risk and lower the chance of an injury that could lead to back pain is to keep the driveway cleared. Shoveling it and putting down sand and salt will provide a high degree of traction. Keep in mind that shoveling can often lead to back pain on its own, so if you're anxious about this activity, you should hire a snow removal service.

Address Lawn Imperfections

The ground under your feet doesn't need to be slippery to make you fall and hurt your back. Sometimes, stepping into a divot that you didn't know existed can cause you to jerk your back awkwardly or even fall to the ground. It's useful to carefully walk around your lawn to look for holes that might trip you up. Fortunately, it's also easy to address them. You can fill them with soil and add a little grass seed. Eventually, the seed will grow and you'll be left with a lawn that is more even.

Avoid Underfoot Risks

If you have children, you need to make it clear that they have to clean up after themselves. A small toy or a piece of sports equipment that is hidden in the grass can pose a tripping hazard, especially if you aren't looking at the ground when you're walking. For example, if you're carrying a heavy load of firewood across the grass and step on a baseball bat, you could easily fall to the ground and hurt your back — not to mention other parts of your body. If you end up with back pain because of a slip and/or fall at home or anywhere else, set an appointment with a back care practitioner.
